SETTLE International Conference

SETTLE Erasmus + Project: "Population imbalances in Europe: challenges of urban concentration versus rural depopulation"
This project studies population imbalances in Europe, their challenges and opportunities, by contrasting two different territorial subjects: rural areas suffering from depopulation versus growing urbanization areas with a high concentration of population.
Objectives: To describe the settlement paths of population in Europe and their growth dynamics; to detect through economic and social models the factors conditioning these dynamics; to know the socioeconomic challenges in terms of services and infrastructure as well as the opportunities for a better cohesion between these two territorial realities; and to describe relations between rural areas and cities. Contact: |
SETTLE Conference - Posters
1. El camino de Santiago en Asturias. La historia como aliada contra la despoblación - Carlos Díaz Santos (univ. Oviedo)
2. Territorial and gender digital GAP - Paloma Rodríguez (Univ. Alcalá)
3. Política lingüística de la UE en relación con la España rural vaciada - Carmen Valero y Silvia Damianova (Univ. Alcalá)
4. La violencia de genero en relaciones de pareja en las zonas rurales en el Perú - Inés Santi, Mª Teresa Gallo y Elena Mañas (Univ. Alcalá)
5. Poverty as a risk for equality in the rural area - Berenice Flores (Univ. Alcalá)
6. The real importance of the agricultural sector in rural economic development - Sergio Vizcaíno (Univ. Alcalá)
7. Water, missvaluated treasure - Mario Rodríguez (Univ. Alcalá)
8. Depopulation, Ageing and Masculinization of Rural Areas in the European Union - Gregorio Escalera (Univ. Alcalá)
9. Labor market in rural areas : the impact of employment in economic sectors - Daysi Libia Contreras (Univ. Alcalá)
10. Education & training in rural areas: digital skills as a challenge - Najat Bazah (Univ. Alcalá)
11. Infrastructure and accessibility against depopulation: a necessary condition, but not a sufficient one - Bruno Lozano
12. Mujeres y el reto demográfico en la provincia de Guadalajara - Juana de las Mercedes de Haro (Univ. Alcalá)
13. Open innovation, supply chain management and regional spillovers - René Hernández (Univ. Alcalá)
Regional policy design for a balanced population
Rural-urban proximity
Services infrastructure and welfare for population in cities and rural areas
Population imbalances and migration
Entrepreneurship and university talent attraction leading to urban concentration
Environmental and legal aspects of sustainability in smart cities and depopulated areas
Systemic transformation and influence on population
Population statistics advances
Others related to population imbalances (to be evaluated by the Scientific Committee)
SETTLE International Conference: “Population imbalances in Europe”
Call for abstracts - CLOSED
Universidad de Alcalá - Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)
27th, 28th and 29th April 2022
Paper proposals consisting of a summary of around 100 words must be submitted before 28th January, 2022 (extended to 5th February 2022)
Erasmus + Project
Universidad de Alcalá
Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), 27th, 28th and 29th April 2022
"Population imbalances in Europe: challenges of urban concentration versus rural depopulation"
To describe the settlement paths of population in Europe and their growth dynamics; to detect through economic and social models the factors conditioning these dynamics; to know the socioeconomic challenges in terms of services and infrastructure as well as the opportunities for a better cohesion between these two territorial realities; and to describe relations between rural areas and cities.